Coffee Circus online Store in malta

Peru Chanchamayo 250g


  • 250g
  • Chanchamayo Valley  (altitude ~ 1350 m)
Tasting Notes:
  • Cocoa, nuts, delicate citrus
  • Medium
  • Washed

F A I R   T O   F A R M E R ,   D I R E C T   T R A D E

Chanchamayo produces approximately 40% of Peru’s total coffee production. This coffee is grown using a typical small-holder model with each small-holder producing less than a tonne of coffee per harvest. Although Chanchamayo is a valley, it is still 1350 metres plus above sea-level. The Arabica beans grown in Chanchamayo cover (in general) Caturra, Typica, Pache, and Bourbon varietals. At these higher altitudes the beans tend to be shade-grown, which adds density to the bean and gives a more complex and pleasing flavour in the cup because it has grown more slowly, due to the shade. This coffee is classed as SHG (strictly high-grown) which means that the coffee is all grown at 1350 metres or above.



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